Tracing a missing heir or beneficiary requires specialised genealogy research.

Tracing a missing heir or beneficiary requires specialised genealogy research.

Our benchmarks

  • To conduct reasonable levels of research
  • Use reliable sources and evidence
  • Resolve contradictory information
  • Seek further instructions if necessary
  • Deliver reasoned and cogent reporting

Help us to help you

To manage your costs, it helps to be as specific as possible by telling us what you know, do not know or need to know.

All you need to do now is provide the details below.  Or, you email us a letter outlining your detailed requirements to

Once we review the information you have provided, we may need to get in touch with you before we prepare our Costs Estimate.


* Mandatory fields

Outside Australia?
If your business/law firm is not registered in Australia, provide your full business address (not a PO Box) and company registration details.

Which role best describes you?* (tick at least one)

Solicitor/Legal RepresentativeAccountantAdministratorBeneficiary/potential beneficiaryExecutorFinancial PlannerProbate researcher/businessTrustee – corporateTrustee – publicOther (specify below)

Legal Purpose* (tick at least one)

Deceased Estate including testatmentary trustTrust/DeedProbate or estate administrationOther (specify below)

Research Service*

Search for or supply documents including certificatesFind a beneficiary or heirProve kinship relationshipsAnalyse or resolve conflicting informationVerify client information including family treesCheck research performed by othersOther (specify below)

Other Information
Provide other information to help us understand your requirements here.

Anti-SPAM quiz

After receiving your requirements we’ll be in touch by email or telephone if we need any further information before we prepare our Costs Estimate. Beneficiary Finders looks forward to working with you.